Saturday 19 June 2010


These are various shots of view from mi casa Cliffside. Birds on a wire, liitle harv having had too much fun and the work station.

I have been able to watch the sunset every evening out of my lounge window for the past 10 months. It means that I have to choose between watching the sea or Cameroon vs Denmark on the laptop as the sun means I cannot see the screen on my laptop. No reception here may have been a blessing. I no longer know the developments in Albert Square which I had become accustomed by osmosis. I suppose I am what they call an early adopter and have enjoyed using the BBC I-player to watch things like Luther, the BBC Idris Elba vehicle, and keep up with essential classics like Have I got News for You and local hero Frank Skinner's road crash chat show. I still think he’s great. Most evenings it has been Spotify and sunshine. No need for all these CD’s anymore. Paolo Nutini has become a favourite and I am no longer sure if this is something I should admit being away from the nerve centre of cool. This month has seen basking sharks and dolphins in the bay and more activity in the surf. Kite surfers were out today blasting around the surf, performing aerial feats that look like they would fly off into the air never to return only to land in total control of their flying machines. I have realised I am not a thrill seeker and much prefer to observe these guys, and they always are blokes, searching for the undefinable need to prove one is living life to the extreme.

The sun sets over the Atlantic and the ships going by can be tracked by this incredible web-site about marine traffic which Larry Hartwell put me onto. If you want to see a proper blog check his Newlyn Harbour one which has some excellent photography and provides a taste of Newlyn life. I will miss this view and have been blessed to find such a spot. I think I had a dream once that I would live somewhere overlooking the ocean watching the sunset each evening. It is one of those things one never thinks they will achieve especially when toiling in the heart of England. Anyway I can now say, ‘seen it’ repeatedly, done it and if I cannot share it with those I love each day it will still be there when I come back. Will miss you O giver of life but will find you anon…

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