Monday 21 June 2010

A Cornish Ploughman's

Cornish Yarg is a 'semi-hard' cheese apparently. I only quote those more knowledgeable in the field of cheese. Where , incidentally they also find the nettles that they wrap around the whole cheese. I asked how much a truckle would be in a Penzance deli and its £16 so I only indulge on occasion and never share ! The Cornish Brie is rich and creamy and supposed to be a bit yellow like butter. Not sure if the calorie count justifies my smug healthy eating glow but I had enough energy to swim in the flat calm of Sennen beach this midsummer evening. Glorious sunset and clear blue skies, still light at 10.30 down here with the evening star, Venus, following the sun on the horizon. With the sound of the surf and the balmy, windless air it seems that summer is icumen in...I am off to find a good pagan sunrise...

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