Monday 28 June 2010

Mazy Day

This is the big day of the year in Penzance when the pagan spirits rise for midsummer and chaos and revelry run riot in the streets. There are processions and dances throughout the day led by the Golowan band and a master of ceremonies who is a local legend called Roger White, a cross between the voodoo priest from live and let die and David Koresh, cult leader and man of many wives. A calmer maritime festival takes over on Sunday after the excesses of Mazy eve and the big day which saw blazing sunshine this year. The pubs were in full swing taking over Chapel Street with stalls all over the town selling tat and expensive balloons for guilty dads. Our five pound horse balloon escaped later to much consternation but the sight of pegasus flying out over the cliffside and up over the beach away to Cape Cornwall and beyond proved a source of wonder and quite possibly amazement to the pilots flying to the Scilly Isles. Mazy Isla had fun and I spent the day queuing for face painting or, eventually, hand painting, checking out my student Shay's stall and eating garlic mussels and cornish new potatoes. Will have to give myself over to full Mazy madness next year and let the spirits rise...

1 comment:

  1. Count me in for Mazy Day next year ! Isn't it amazing how little we know about our regional events? This one sounds fun. M
