Monday 14 June 2010

Jubilee Pool

A murky day but this is the best way to invigorate oneself; jumping in the cold sea water of the lido on the promenade in Penzance. It was free on the opening day of the year so I bought a pair of trunks and a giant travel towel for £20 justifying this extravagance by forcing myself to dive straight in the deep end. Not many others were taking up the freebie but the refreshing tonic effect a dip in too cold water has on the body must be doing some good. Either that or a heart attack. As entry was free there was a selection of Penzance's unique inhabitants taking a look around which endears the town to the open minded visitor. It is the kooky nature of the town that rewards as it becomes more interesting as it slowly reveals its quirky nature. The butchers shops, galleries, tea shops and flea markets of Chapel Street where everyone has a word for those with time to dwell are a real lift to the spirit and a welcome reprieve from the usual anonymity of the high street. I met Boleslawa who cheered me as I eventually dived in. She offered an excuse for me to stand on the side of the pool for a while and not look chicken. She could have been a pop star in Poland but chose to try and make it in swinging sixties London, had a breakdown and moved from Knightsbridge to Penzance. She told me she was a descendant of Joseph Conrad and how he was fluent in Polish.

After 3pm it is only £2 for locals so I have packed the swimming gear so I can dive in after work on sunny days. It is the 75th anniversary of the opening of Jubilee Pool and there has been an exhibition at the PZ gallery showing some wonderful images of the pleasure it has provided for residents and visitors over the years. An under-appreciated gem that deserves to be preserved.

I got some better images on a sunny day when the turquoise and white colours show the art deco ingenuity against a blue sea and sky.

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