Sunday 13 March 2011

Summer arrived today

Rising to blue skies and the sounds of songbirds. Only one way to go, up and out to Nanjizal on a cliff walk in the clear light of a fresh morning. Soon down to a t-shirt as the sun kicked in. Views across to the Scillies where a Newlyn boat went down last week. Sennen lifeboat pulled some of the crew off and a helicopter the rest. One day it is summer and the next its dreek. Ansum today though. All this granite and radon seeps through the bones and connects with our ancestral past in this cemetery walk round the cairns and burial mounds if the mapping man is to be believed. I thought I saw a chough but probably a ubiquitous crow and a sea eagle but probably a buzzard. Thoughts of a day out receded as the sun lit up the front room and coffee, papers and the rugby filled a lazy Sunday. A walk on Sennen beach and catching the sunset on Maen cliff rounded out a stunning March day. The gorse smells of coconuts and I made a posy of violets...

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