Tuesday 30 November 2010

Paradise Park

Paradise Park is in Hayle, cradle of the industrial revolution, all the foundries and experiments with steam engineering can be seen in the somewhat forlorn ruins lying around this historic harbour. Students have been working with Hayle Social Enterprise Trust to try and regenerate this once proud town producing a film to promote it. The Cornish guys made things up as they went along, necessity was the mother of invention and James Watt nicked all the ideas and took them to Brum to patent.

We went over half-term to feed the penguins though and to see the massive rabbits and cheeky goats. Isla needed ice cream to get her through and the jungle barn with slides, ball pools, feral kids and crazy climbing activities was a dad's dream !

One day we will have a garden of rabbits. I will put pipes under a great mound and then cover them with earth a la Jean de Florette and we can lie in rabbit heaven. The tropical birds are the focus but nothing beats a feisty goat that we can feed and a play tractor !

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