Thursday 14 April 2011

Penzance Harbour

Bluest of blue on a sunny day. As ever Penzance rewards the stroller. What seems a dirty seaside town that they forgot to close down if one hits the high street reveals gems as the explorer ventures wider.

We have just won a grant to put a new roof on the watersport centre( brown building pictured) on the Albert Pier so another opportunity avails itself for me to take no advantage of...The Scillonian is causing much fuss as there are several options for future routes to the Scillies. No-one could agree about development on the battery rocks for a new dock and now the governement have shelved all funding making the future even less clear. Perhaps Falmouth will take away this key link.

1 comment:

  1. Love the bike ! I guessed it would be pink.Happy hols with super pictures and smiley faces.M
