Monday 6 December 2010

Land's End

The short walk to the end of the land was transfigured into a snowy landscape. This area is full of cairns and I often meet a man who is mapping the area according to its mystical energy flows and convergence of ley lines. He feels the energy and thinks that the area is one big graveyard similar to the Egyptian pyramids as the Kings get buried higher up then the other lesser mortals get burial mounds further down the cliff. The granite has eroded so a lot of the lost land of Lyonesse is now supposedly under the sea between here and the Isles of Scilly which can be glimpsed in the distance. My mate in the know who wanders the hills also said that there is a £9billion NASA bunker up the road monitoring alien activity as this area is closest to the sun. He explained it all cogently but I understood little. He also said that he was standing on a Queen earlier as he feels the energy of the ancients and that there were people living on the dog star Sirius, but it is easy to mock. Maybe there is a whole earthly and heavenly system out there that science cannot explain like the Nazca lines and the Mayan and Egyptian civilisations and this esoteric knowledge is sought only by the savants amongst us who feel more in tune with the spritual world. There is a mystical feel to Penwith though which makes it wild and untamed and timeless. Or maybe it is just the radon getting to me...

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