Friday 9 July 2010

Lug Worms

Marazion beach is quite muddy and the worms who make great bait for fishermen love it. Unfortunately the bait diggers cause unsightly holes in their search for these luscious lugworms. Lord St Levan who owns the Mount and probably thinks he owns the sea, roped in his farmer friends to plough up the beach as the piles were ruining his view. I am surmising, of course, as my skills of investigative journalism run as deep as a tabloid hack and this would be my front page news with associated superlatives and puns. 'Lug OFF' 'Lug Less' 'Worms', I am sure you can do better ! According to the Yorkshireman digging for bait, who makes £20 a bucket, they have done it in sheer spite to ward off the diggers. He felt they had killed an acre of beach by destroying the bio-diversity. All the worms would be dead or eaten by gulls. Who knows what the truth is, and I certainly don't, but I will always be on the side of the diggers and the levellers !

'Stand up now Digger's all !'

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