Friday 9 July 2010

Angels of the Sky

Another dangerous pursuit but more graceful. Very appealing although clear risks of death involved so will never do it. I was going to pretend that was me, top of the food chain, master of the skies, hanging tough, but someone has to observe and take photos. This is increasingly popular on sunny days as they use the thermals to swoop and dive nonchalantly as the beach goers stare in awe. Maybe that is the real buzz of these things, getting people to stand and stare open mouthed. Vain pursuits by macho alpha males, a bit like writing a blog but more dangerous. It looks easy but I wonder how the first flight goes. It's not the fear of falling its the fear of jumping off...

Lug Worms

Marazion beach is quite muddy and the worms who make great bait for fishermen love it. Unfortunately the bait diggers cause unsightly holes in their search for these luscious lugworms. Lord St Levan who owns the Mount and probably thinks he owns the sea, roped in his farmer friends to plough up the beach as the piles were ruining his view. I am surmising, of course, as my skills of investigative journalism run as deep as a tabloid hack and this would be my front page news with associated superlatives and puns. 'Lug OFF' 'Lug Less' 'Worms', I am sure you can do better ! According to the Yorkshireman digging for bait, who makes £20 a bucket, they have done it in sheer spite to ward off the diggers. He felt they had killed an acre of beach by destroying the bio-diversity. All the worms would be dead or eaten by gulls. Who knows what the truth is, and I certainly don't, but I will always be on the side of the diggers and the levellers !

'Stand up now Digger's all !'

Air , sea rescue

Drama in the Cove as the climbers who favour the dramatic Maen Cliff hotspot decided to fall off. They are pretty steep and I have watched them thinking that it is one of of the few things I would never like to try. Savage amusement, hanging from a rope trying to haul my weight up a sheer cliff with complete faith placed in the person at the other end of the line. The Culdrose chopper got the call and stretchered the bodies away. They had to fly in close to the cliff, impressing the hordes who gathered to watch the horror unfold. The sky bird seems to be the favoured method of saving people, rendering the lifeboats who get all the money from RNLI contributions rather quiet.

Friday 2 July 2010

RIP Rusty

Rusty bit the dust and has gone to meet his maker at the scrap heap. A grand's worth of welding due to being left on a salty cliffside for 6 months was a diagnosis too far. Many fond memories of Hay, Latitude and Big Chill festivals and weekends away. Also a lot of stressful driving as he didn't like hills and was cutting out whenever he felt like it at the end. Rusty got me to Cornwall and found his spiritual home. RIP Rusty van, you will be missed. Especially when I am in a tent from Tuesday !! Expect an insiders account on Cornwall's best and worst, definitely the cheapest, campsites and farmers' fields.